How to Join the Detroit Kendo Dojo

Thank you for your interest in joining the Detroit Kendo Dojo. We always welcome new visitors and trial members.

New/Trial Members

First sessions begin on the 1st or 2nd Saturday session of each month. Please fill out the forms below and we will contact you with more information.

Trial members can attend each Saturday practice in their first month for free, and then decide to become a registered member. Tuition will start as a registered member from the first month following the trial month. If you have any questions please contact

To Join the Detroit Kendo Dojo as a Permanent Member

Please fill out the membership application at the link below.

Detroit Kendo Dojo Membership Application

For any new permanent member, registration for both Midwest and All United States Federations is mandatory. As a reminder to each and every member, renewal is mandatory every April. New members must enroll as this impacts their ability to take promotion tests, attend seminars and camps, compete in taikai and be covered by the national insurance policy. Members can register for both Midwest and All United States Kendo Federations at the same time by creating a personal profile and completing the online registration process at 

If you have any questions, please consult the site’s Frequently Asked Questions or Contact pages.

Current Monthly Tuition Rates

Individual – $40 / Month

Family –

1st Family  Member – $40 / Month

2nd Family Member – $35 / Month

Additional Family Members – $30 each / Month

Tuition is billed every three months (January/April/July/October).

Tuition is due every 3 months: January, April, July, and October. Cash or check payment is accepted. Checks need to be payable to Detroit Kendo Corporation

Our fiscal year is from April through March. All current members have until March 31st of each fiscal year to complete their registrations and pay dues for the upcoming fiscal year. Membership administration will e-mail existing members to notify them when the registration system is ready. New members should complete their registration and pay dues when they join the Detroit Kendo Dojo for the current year. Please contact with any questions.

Rank Testing Information

[block]All United States Kendo Federaton

The AUSKF manages testing for 5 Dan and above. Information can be found at their website

[block]Midwest Kendo Federation

The MWKF coordinates testing for 4 Dan and below. Information can be found at this link